- Countrywood has a lot of busy readers. Collectively, students have read 7,500 minutes so far. We are well on our way toward our goal! Keep reading!
- Classes in the lead for minutes read are Ms. Mitchell (Kindergarten) with 375 minutes, Ms. Schwartz (1st Grade) with 460 minutes, and Ms. DiNorcia (2nd Grade) with am incredible 710 minutes!
- Today students and teachers participated in D.E.A.R. - Drop Everything and Read!
- The Riddle of the Day today was a clever one...What has holes but can still hold water? Give up...a sponge! One class with the correct answer was randomly selected and each student in that class receives a prize.
- We continued to award prizes to students from each grade randomly selected from all Reading Fish submitted today. You've got to be in it to win it!
- Ms. Korn continues to graciously welcome Guest Readers into the Library all week.
- We've started to decorate the wall outside of the Cafeteria with Book Reviews and Aquatic Comics submitted from students so far.
Thank you for everyone's participation in and enthusiasm for this week's PARP activities!