Monday, February 4, 2019

First Day of PARP!

What a great first day of PARP at Countrywood!  Day 1 has been very busy...

  • Students, teachers, and staff alike wore something Wild West themed for our first In-School activity, "Howdy, Partner!"
  • Today's riddle of the day was a good one...what gets bigger the more you take out?  Stumped...a hole!  The student who submitted the riddle and the class that answered it correctly were awarded prizes.
  • We had 6 Guest Readers visit during Library Specials including Legislator Berland (16th District - Suffolk County), who before reading spoke to students about her job and local government.
  • Today's giveaway received by ALL Countrywood students was a door hanger that students can hang on a door at home to let everyone know, "It's time to Saddle Up and Read!".
  • South Huntington Nutrition Services joined the fun creating a book-inspired menu this week.  Today's theme was Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom.